Sunday, May 25, 2008

Adventures in motherhood

When I got married I never thought that my career would choose me. I had ambitions in medicine, but it was almost as if I was hijacked by my own life. Sometimes I am jealous of friends or family when I hear about the places they've been or things they've done. I catch myself being ungrateful for this fantastic adventure that is mine.
Aaron is just getting to the point where he has an attitude. It is hard to give him the space he craves more and more. He sees himself as he will be and I see him as he was- a tiny, perfect, soft, sweet smelling armful. In reality his feet are as big as mine, he has a smart mouth and I actually had to buy him his first stick of deodorant the other day. This is not the motherhood I have become good at! As a control freak, I feel overwhelmed by all these things I have no control over.
Josh is on round three with his glasses. His third pair in 6 weeks! You gotta admit, the kid is happy though- his feet never touch the ground. To have the kind of optimism and faith that this kid has. Everything is good and possible in his eyes.
Oh, to have the sweetness of Emma. Emma loves to such a degree that I think it may actually cause her physical pain sometimes. It is so sad that she's the middle child, she is so tender and good natured, if you didn't seek her out she might just disappear!
Anna is a lesson in irony. We wanted her so badly, prayed for her, and she takes it out on us every day. She is the extreme of everything- clever, angry, smart, calculating, hilarious, heart-breaking. Jekyll and Hyde, joy or pain- we just wait to see which one wakes up in the morning.
Leah is just fun. She's still at that fantastic age where she will lay down next to me for a nap, but old enough to know that it's funny to sneak up on her brothers and sisters with the garden hose. It is still cute when she's stubborn.
So these are the adventures that fill my days- baseball games, cartoons, school programs, laundry, cooking, refereeing, organizing, cleaning, doctoring, and the list goes on. Everyday trying to decode all my kids behavior, even as it changes from one minute to the next. I might have stumbled into this career by chance, but what could be more challenging or fulfilling? No other career could ever have taken me through such a spectrum of experiences. So- here's to looking forward, never back!


Not Betty Crocker said...

I love this picture of your kids.

Great post!

Team Furnival said...

Very well said! I have often felt the same way, but don't have as good of an attitude as you do!