Monday, November 17, 2008

Stupid Criminals

Okay, maybe this is only funny to me because I am a Lindner by marriage...

First, how many of you have ever met anyone named Lindner outside of our family? No, me either. Last night we were watching the news and they did this little bit at the end about a man from South Carolina. You know, the "stupid criminal" pieces? So this guy robs a convenience store and makes his getaway with $140 and a pack of cigarettes. Then his car breaks down and he flags down a taxi. The taxi driver didn't know how to get where the man needed to go, so he pulls over at a convenience store to get directions. That's right, the SAME convenience store that the man had just robbed. Only the delay in the taxi had given the police enough time to get on the scene. So he basically gets out of the taxi and into the cruiser.

Yeah, its funny/ironic, but the punchline? Yup, his name is Lindner. Johnny Lindner to be exact. No, we don't know him, but it is still funny. And even better, the reporter struggled throughout the story to pronounce his name. I guess they have never met a Lindner before either! (As a funny side-note, I went to paste his picture here on the blog and it was labelled "Lindler".

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