At the risk of sending you all into shock I decided to add a post for the second time in less than a week. I got to thinking this morning when I was taking the kids to school that I don't like people very much. Oh stop it, you know how I am. Anyway, every morning I have to stop at the same four-way stop. Since it is at the High School, I frequently see people not following the rules of the four-way stop. I mutter "freakin' idiot" at them and keep driving- at least until the next infraction which usually comes in the drop-off line. So when Josh asked me this morning, "Why are all the other drivers such morons?" it got me to thinking...
Not about my behavior behind the wheel, but about the things that really bug me. So I started making a list of pet peeves...
1. People who think they're the only ones on the road/ the rules don't apply to them.
2. People who go through life thinking that the world owes them something.
3. People who goof around at work instead of doing the job they get paid for.
4. People who state the obvious because they think it makes a point.
5. People who think their kids are incapable of wrongdoing.
6. The fact that antibiotic drops for pinkeye only come in teeny tiny bottles.
7. People who name their kids things that no one can read, much less pronounce.
8. My neighbor and his lowrider buddies- the "Disturbn Tha Streets" posse. These are the same people who will give their kids ridiculous names.
So tell me what bugs you. Lets be negative together! Heaven knows that will make us all feel better about life!
One Last Party
2 years ago
How about:
1. People who don't keep their word or say they're going to do something and drop the ball.
2. People who have excuses for everything.
3. People who expect someone (like the government) to take care of them without them having to do anything for themselves.
4. People who refuse to learn English, even though they live in the United States! (and those who believe that the United States should cater to them instead of the other way around.)
5. Litterers.
6. People who smoke in "no smoking" areas...or just 1 inch out of them so you're still engulfed in fumes.
7. I agree with the one about people who think their children can do know wrong and add to that those who, believing that, will do whatever possible to make sure their child doesn't have negative consequences.
8. People who send their sick kids to school, nursery, etc., knowing they are sick, because they don't want to take off from work or stay home with them.
9. Telemarketers who call and ask for "Stephenie Scott Cooper II."
10. People who say things like, "I'm so fat" when they're obviously not, but are just fishing for compliments.
How's that for being haters together?
1. People who talk about other people in a movie theatre like they can't hear them.
2. When people take their babies to a movie theatre.
3. When people like to make their drama public and drag complete strangers into it.
I thought of another one:
4. When people take blog addresses and then never use them or don't use them for years so no one else who might actually use them can do so.
Come on sis- Don't worry, be happy!- you have the option of calling her Mylie! --that's easy to say, right? She loves her auntie Rebecca. (note we call you Rebecca and no embarassing nickname.)P.S. The kids miss their cousins! Love you!
Ok good place to go and get things off your chest....ugh! A real good day to do it...first lets say DITTO to a lot of Mel's...very many dittos!
1. Along the line of Mel's how about People who make promises but never keep them. Especially to children.
2. That smoking thing...big one! and they throw their butts out into the street so we have to clean them up out of our yard.
3. People who's children have learned the horrible, rude, awful behavior of their parents and think its ok to do that with their friends or at school.
4. People who's children are just so perfect!
5. People who just think they are perfect. God's gift to the world and you should adore me and love me and bow down to me. If someone stands up to them or doesn't agree...they cast them aside. Whatever!
6. Along with the drivers out there...they sure didn't learn how to park. Park on the line so you can't get into your car. Park so that they take up most of the space in front of school so that no one can park in front of them or behind them. Park on the corner literally the corner so you can't get around them. (school pick up is the worst! for all the above offenders including your list!)
7. People who sit on the well side of the doctors office when you know for sure they aren't there for a well check! Or those on the sick side who let their kids run all over, cough on everyone, touch everyone, etc so you have to go in next week for what they gave ya!
8. People who work in stores, offices whatever. No common sense, no assistance what so ever, look at you like why are you in the store bothering me while I am suppose to help you, have no idea what they are doing, oh that list could go on and on.
9. My big one...people who drink while they are pregnant! Sorry big road rage on my part.
oh another one
what number was I on...sorry my list is long was a bad day
?. Kids who think its ok to cut through your yard, break your gate and then keep walking across the gate until you confront them, then they look at you like you are an alien or something, when you move the gate they think now it's an even more open invitation to keep walking through the yard and knocking on the window as they walk by or look in the window!
ooh...yes, I totally forgot about people in the movie theater! I HATE when people, especially teenage girls, if you can call teenage girls 'people,' squeal and scream and talk EXCESSIVELY loudly ON PURPOSE to annoy everyone else in the theater. I freaking just paid $10 to see this movie, and I have to listen to you instead?
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